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Últims premis i publicacions . Last awards and publications


- Finalista Adenc 2012. Categoria Denuncia

- Finalista Quillat 2013. Categoria Fauna

- Finalista Quillat 2013. Categoria Macro

- Finalista Unterwasser Visions july 2013, Theme: Faces

Gold Medal FD GRCA - 6th International Photo Contest Narava 2013

- Doble finalista Montphoto 2013. Categoria Underwater

- Finalista Montphoto 2013. Categoria Foto Denuncia

- Mención del Jurado. Certamen Fotográfico Colmenar Viejo 2013 . Categoria Reportaje

- 1er premio Concurs Naturalistes de Girona 2013. Categoria Foto Denuncia

- 3er premio Concurs Naturalistes de Girona 2013. Categoria General

- 1er premio VIII Concorso Internazionale "OrtonAmare 2013". Cat. Arte Nell'Acqua

- 3er premio VIII Concorso Internazionale "OrtonAmare 2013". Cat. Grandangolo

- Selecció National Geographic Photocontest 2013

- 2on premi. Divephotoguide 2013. Theme: Portraits

- 1er premio Scubashooters 2014, Categoria "Couples" Febrero 2014

- 1er. premio V Certámen Internacional Asisa - Naturaleza. Febrero 2014

- 1er. premio 16 Glanzlichter 2014. Categoria "Diversity of all other animals"

- Highly Commended Asferico 2014. Categoria "Composition and forms"

- 1er. premio Golden Turtle Russia, “Human and Nature”, Febrero 2014

- Accèsit FOTONIKON 2014. Naturaleza

- Finalista Quillat 2014. Categoria Naturaleza

- 1er premio MIMA Online 2014. Categoria Fauna

- 2on i 3er premio MIMA Online 2014. Categoria Ambiente

- Finalist Oceans Views 2014, Nature's Best Photography

- Honorable Mention. Divephotoguide 2014. Theme: Nudibranchs

- 1er. premio. "Wrecks of the world" monthly contest, September 2014

- Honorable Mencion, IPA int'l photography awards 2014

- Finalista Montphoto 2014. Categoria Underwater

- Finalista Montphoto 2014. Categoria Denuncia

- Selecció National Geographic PhotoContest 2014

- Accèsit FOTONIKON 2015

- Finalista Montphoto 2015. Categaria Aves - birds

Gold Medal FD GRCA - 6th International Photo Contest Narava 2015

- 2on premi. Por el Planeta 2015 



- Magazine "Unterwasser October 2013"

- "Narava Photography 2013" publication

- "Inspirados en la naturaleza 2013"

- Scuba Diver AustralAsia Issue 7/2013, AA No. 76

- Photographer of the week - Divephotoguide 2014

- "Glanzlichter 2014" publication

- "Asferico 2014" publication

- 4 images displayed in the "Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History", 2014

- Smithsonian Exhibition, National Museum of Natural History, Whashington 2014

- Cover of a Rusian newspaper, April 2014

- Nature's Best Photography, spring-summer 2014

- Double page, french magazine, September 2014

- Le Fígaro, September 2014

- Scuba Diver AustralAsia Issue 7/2014

- SWOT magazine: The state of the World's Sea Turtles

- Scuba Diver Ocean Planet Issue 4/2015


 Personal Interview published by Nikon Spain

 Biosphoto Agency Collaborator



Sergi Garcia, nascut a Barcelona l'any 1975. Fotògraf submarí i arquitecte freelance ( , us convido a que hi feu una ullada també )

Per la seva proximitat, el meu arxiu fotogràfic és especialment sobre la fauna del mediterrani.


I was born in Barcelona in 1975. Underwater photograph and architect freelance ( ,I invite you to visit my architecture web too )

My picture library is specialized in wild life mediterranean sea.

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